Saturday, April 30, 2011

123 days.

Wow. 123 days away. I cannot wait to be on that plane!

I have a lot done which makes me happy but I want to have more done! I want to start packing already, I'm just a freak like that.

I could have printed out my support letters and addressed envelopes today. Instead, I baked 110 cookies, watched Ghost Adventures, and spent the night with my Mars Hill family. A pretty good way to spend the day :)

I have time. I have A LOT of time. I know I will get these things done, I HAVE to get these things done.

This plant makes me want my green Michigan summers!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm amazed...

...that everything is coming together so well already!

My insurance company will cover me while in Germany, my support letters are done, I have addresses written out, and I have an appointment for my shots next week!

Still to do- fundraising ideas, plane tickets, send out support letters, get my loans deferred, set up another bank account, and sell my mothers china.

Thats a lot to do but I have 126 days until I leave.


Mother's china is now on craigslist!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I think I'm crazy.

Another blog to manage...oh well, I guess I have to start somewhere!

Today I got accepted to study in Herrnhut, Germany for 7 months! I am so beyond excited and nervous and anxious and happy and blessed! I applied a couple of weeks ago and was anxious to hear back from YWAM and today that email came. It couldn't have been at a better time. I am done with school (A in Biology, A in Political Science, and who knows what in Photography), it's summer, and I'm finally ready to do something with my life.

I want to live for God, all for Him.

I am so excited!

P.S. This blog will be updated with my plans concerning YWAM and during my time there and wherever else God leads me! Thanks for reading :)
(I just had to add some more red to this blog)